North Shore Supported Child Development Program

Please Note: If your child is attending preschool and will be eligible for Kindergarten in September, the deadline for referral to the SCD program is November 30, 2023.

What is Supported Child Development?

Supported Child Development (SCDP) is a community-based program that assists families of children with extra support needs to access inclusive child care that meets family needs. The program is intended to serve children from birth to 12, with services for youth 13-19 years available in some communities.

SCDP provides the following services to support children, families, and child care providers:

  • Individual planning to promote each child’s development
  • Training and information for families and child care providers to help each child’s development
  • Resources such as books, toys and specialized equipment
  • Referrals to other services such as therapists or specialists
  • Where necessary, additional staffing to ensure that children may participate fully with their peers.
  • SCDP operates under the principles of inclusion and family centred practice. SCDP uses a multi-disciplinary team approach. Parents may self-refer, or with parent consent, referrals may come from other service providers. The service is voluntary and free of charge.

Supported Child Development is a provincially supported program that reflects & supports the philosophy of inclusion and is based on the following principles:

Family Centred Approach

  • Families know their children best.
  • Families have the right & responsibility to make choices for their children.
  • Families & professionals work as a team.


  • ALL children are welcomed, supported and valued.
  • Everybody plays, learns and grows together.

Community Based

  • Inclusion supports the right of all children, regardless of their diverse abilities, to participate actively in natural settings within their communities.

Individual Planning

  • Early provision of planning and support services contributes to each child’s optimum development.
  • All care providers understand the abilities and challenges of each child in the setting, and practice an inclusive philosophy

Shared Responsibility

  • Parents share the responsibility for the development and coordination of childcare, care providers, communities and various ministries and governments.
  • Children who require extra support are accepted and valued by all community members and have opportunities to contribute to their community